Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Harvest

      What does message does a church give to the watching world if the people in attendance are of the same race, culture, background and/or socio-economic level? I want that to be the central question of this post as I continue to delve into the murky, scary waters of racial reconciliation. Please note: this applies to ALL churches. Not just 'white' churches. Not just 'black' churches. This is an applicable question to every Christian and every church in every denomination. The discussion in this post will revolve around the main theme of an earlier post, "Comfort Zone Religion." What I want to do is push us further into this problem of settling in our respective areas of religion and familiarity. It is going to get intense. It is going to get tough. You ready? Lets go!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Fully Fantastic Father

    Today is Fathers Day, so I wish to take a moment of your time to celebrate my father. Do not get me wrong, I am sure your father is a great guy. I am sure he is loving and kind and a decent person. But my father beats your father, though perhaps only in the metaphorical sense. As per his love of alliteration, (notice the title?) I will be using 'F' words to describe him.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hip Hop and Reconciliation

     After getting great feedback on my first blog post on racial reconciliation, I have decided to continue the series. Trust me, this series is going to get intense, personal, and convicting. If it does not, I will have failed my readership. This is too important of a topic to treat lightly. I am going to have some friends post as well, so that we can get different views from different backgrounds. Please continue to email me ( if you have any topics in this regard you want looked at from different perspectives.
          With that being said, I want to address the issue of hip hop and Christianity. To start, I think the question needs to be asked: as Christians-- especially those of us raised in upper-middle, white communities-- how should we react to the hip hop culture? Even more broadly, how should we react to cultures of which we are not a part? The broader question applies to everyone of every race and culture, so for the time being, I will begin to address the first question in the context of the second.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Fantasy Friday: Revenge of the Injuries

    This post is the first of (hopefully) a weekly post for all my baseball-loving followers. I will be discussing the ever important, life-altering activity known as Fantasy Baseball. If you care little for either of those words, then by all means, read over older blog posts, play some video games (what I will be doing after this), or go be not like me and go be social/ have friends.
      For this post, I will discuss each of my teams and then give some general advice. Next week, I would prefer to make the players/teams I discuss to be based on your teams, not mine. Please email me at or find me on Facebook or Twitter (@timnicodemus) to ask questions or names you want me to vet for you. I will say my one weakness is evaluating trades, especially if you do not provide enough background info (ie what type of league, how many teams, points system, etc.) If you ask a trade question, please provide gratuitous information. Keep in mind, my strength is pitchers and random hitters. Use that information to your advantage!